
How to leave us feedback

How to leave us feedback

Customer surveys


At Isle of Man Bank we are passionate about ensuring that you receive great customer service. When you give us feedback, we can improve the things that matter most to you.

We routinely contact our customers to understand how we are doing. You may be contacted by email or telephone for your feedback on the service we provide.

We have appointed a research company MaritzCX to help us. Our email surveys are sent from yourfeedback@insights.iombank.com.

We have designed our surveys to be as short and as simple as possible, and will only take a couple of minutes of your time to complete. We will only ask for your views on our service. We will never ask you for your personal finances or bank details, and we won’t use your feedback to try to sell or market anything to you.

Following the survey, a member of our team may follow-up with you to understand your feedback in more detail or to resolve any outstanding issues you may have. You can let us know in the survey whether or not this would be ok.


There are other ways you can give us feedback



At Isle of Man Bank we do everything we can to make sure you receive the best possible service. However, sometimes we don't get things right. When this happens please let us know and we will ensure that we fully investigate your complaint and do everything we can to put things right. Whichever way you contact us we'll start investigating straight away.

If you need to tell us what's gone wrong, find out the ways to get in touch on our How to complain (opens in a new window) page.


If you've received outstanding customer service from your Relationship Manager, in one of our branches, over the telephone or through our WebChat and Social Media Channels, we'd love to know. Share your good feedback and give recognition to the member of staff through our compliments form (opens in a new window).

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