Latest scams

Fake telephone calls

Protect yourself against telephone scams:

Criminals are calling people just like you and targeting them with scams. They’ll convince you that your money is at risk, and that you need to move it to a different account to keep it safe.

Don’t be rushed and stay in control of your account. Follow these 3 top tips to protect yourself:

  • Never send your money to a ‘safe account’ if someone calls you asking you to - it’s a scam
  • Never disclose your full PIN, password, or payment codes to anyone over the phone
  • Hang up the phone and call the bank on the number on the back of your bank card if you’re worried about a scam

If you think you have been targeted by criminals, contact us immediately using the number on the back of your card.

Protect yourself and others, visit our fraud and security centre to find out more.